How to A Better Way to Copy-Paste and Move Your Files

Copy-pasting and moving large files on your computer used to be long process with lots of popup dialogs and lots of dragging and dropping. This gets even worse when transferring hundreds or thousands of files from one hard-disk partition to another (such as moving from your local hard drive to an external disk). But now, with the help of Copy Handler, doing this is much more doable.
By using Copy Handler, users now have a complete control over the pasting and moving of the copied files with the program’s Pause, Restart, Cancel, Remove, Advanced, Resume, auto-resume, and auto-queue commands.
This software is very applicable to those who are pasting or moving a large number of files from several directories or folders to another disk drive (whether it is local or external).
If you want to try this tool, go to and click the DOWNLOAD NOW link.
 Press the Save File button.
Wait for the download to finish, and then launch the setup file.

 Most web browsers will prompt you with a window just like the one below. To proceed with the installation, click Run.
The setup wizard will give you an installation run-through. Follow all its processes.

When the setup is complete, check Launch Copy Handler and press Finish.
Copy Handler’s icon will then be placed on your system tray.

It’s now time to see the functions of this program. As an illustration, we will copy and paste more than 600 big-size wallpapers.
 This is our destination folder. As you can see, it’s an external USB disk drive.
We can use Copy Handler in two ways. The one I will demonstrate below is the typical one. I will illustrate the second method later.
To paste, just right-click your mouse on the destination folder and hit (CH) Paste.
The mini-status window will then appear on top of your system tray.
If you want to see the full statistics of the pasting process, just right-click Copy Handler’s tray icon and press Show status.
Below is the Status window. In here, you can Pause, Resume, Restart, Cancel, and Remove the current pasting or moving process. During the pasting, you can Pause the process and change the location of the files. You can do this by clicking the Advanced > button.
In here, you can also set the speed of the transfer rate. If you want the pasting to be faster than the usual, just click the Thread priority button and select one these options: Time critical, Highest, and Above normal. Before you can use this feature, you have to pause first the operation you want to be prioritized.
The Global Statistics box will show you the current pasting’s transfer rate.
 The second way of using Copy Handler is through the Enter copy parameters command.

This method is a more adoptable, powerful, and convenient way of pasting / moving files. First, you’ll just have to add files or folder you want to be pasted or moved.
What’s great about this procedure is that you can select several files or folders to be transferred. This is a good thing if you want to move thousands of files to an external disk. You don’t have to constantly select, copy, and then paste the files.
 After adding the files and / or folders, specify the destination folder, identify the operation type & priority, and input the count of copies. When you’re done with this step, click the OK button to begin the transferring.

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